(To download the current bulletin or previous bulletins, please visit the bulletins archives page)
2023 ‘Welcome Summer!’ BBQ
Summer is practically upon us! With the warmer weather and the end of the school year fast approaching, we’re getting ready for our ‘welcome summer!’ BBQ at Saint Mark. Hosted by Saint Mark Catholic Classical School, all are welcome to join in celebrating the start of the summer season.
The BBQ will take place on Friday, June 2nd from 3:30 pm to 6 pm. Sign up to bring a salad, side dish, drinks, or condiments. If you sign up, please bring the item(s) with you. Do not drop off before the event starts; we do not have space or storage. If you have a canopy please feel free to bring it, as the event will be outside.
We hope you’ll join us for an afternoon of food, fun, and good company!
Altar server training opportunities

Saint Mark parish will be having two altar server training days in late May and early June. There will be two training sessions on each day – one training for senior servers (for junior servers only) and one training for apprentice servers (new servers).
The schedule is
- Wednesday, May 31st
- 2-3 pm – senior server training
- 2:30-3 pm – apprentice server training
- Saturday, June 10th
- 10:30-11:30 am – senior server training
- 11:30 am-12 pm – apprentice server training
Catholics of any age may be altar servers – there is NO upper age limit! To be an altar server, a person must be:
- a baptized Catholic in good standing with the Church
- a member of Saint Mark parish community
- have received First Holy Communion
- carry a desire to more deeply understand and serve at Mass
- be willing to commit to regular ministry (at least twice monthly)
If you – or one of your children – are interested in learning more, please contact the parish office for more information.
February through April Pastoral Council minutes
Saint Mark pastoral council is pleased to share the minutes of the February, March, and April meetings of our pastoral council. The pastoral council meets on the third Thursday of each month.
Due to some ongoing technical issues, our website is currently unable to embed these documents directly into the website. However, all of the minutes are available to view in your browser or download to your computer by clicking on this sentence or by visiting the archives via the link below.
Generally speaking, minutes will be available within five weeks of the preceding meeting – this allows the council to review the minutes, approve them with any changes, and the secretary to edit them accordingly before they are published online.
(For previous minutes, please visit the pastoral council minutes archives)
May 21, 2023 bulletin
(To download the current bulletin or previous bulletins, please visit the bulletins archives page)