Dear friends,
With the beginning of Advent, I have only one thing to say: Here. We. Go! And what a start it was this weekend – the blessing of the Advent (not Easter, as I mistakenly proclaimed on Saturday evening 🙄) wreath, the launch of our Christmas Giving Tree, the beginning of the Saint John Vianney vocation prayer project, and (of course) the liturgical changes that come with the season. What a way to start!
One thing that kicked off this weekend was the change in the Mass setting we are using for the ordinary parts of the Mass. We moved from English chant (ICEL) setting to the Latin Kyriale XVII setting. I’ve been nervous about this all week – because I have to lead the Kyrie (‘Lord, have mercy’)! Especially for a new setting at our parish, I think it went very well. Nonetheless, I will be reviewing the Kyrie (‘Lord, have mercy’), the Sanctus (‘Holy, holy, holy’) and the Agnus Dei (‘Lamb of God’) over the coming weeks to get a handle on them.
Courtesy of Corpus Christi Watershed, I’ve found some resources that you may find helpful too! Below are YouTube videos and sheet music for the Kyriale Mass XVII:
- Kyrie (‘Lord, have mercy’)
- Sanctus (‘Holy, holy, holy’)
- Agnus Dei (‘Lamb of God’)
May the Lord bless you as we enter into this season of preparation, anticipating the birthday of Jesus!
yours in Christ,
Father Maurer
P.S. Our December movie nights are coming up – if you’re planning on coming, visit our online poll to vote on or suggest which movies we should watch!
December 3 – In addition to the beginning of Advent, today is the memorial of Saint Francis Xavier. A missionary to India, he dreamed of a life spent in academia and scholarship serving the Church. But after striking up a friendship with Ignatius of Loyola, he eventually became one of the original founders of the Jesuits. Read more at the Jesuits’ website.
December 6 – Today we celebrate the memorial of Saint Nicholas. There are a lot of neat stories about him, but it is his faithfulness and generosity that defined his life & ministry! Read more at the Saint Nicholas Center.
December 7 – Saint Ambrose, whose memorial we celebrate today, is known for his sermons – and his willingness to direct his oratory at those who set themselves against the Church, even up to the emperor himself. Read more at Franciscan Media.
December 8 – Today we celebrate the solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. On this day we honor the role of the Blessed Mother in God’s plan for salvation and ask her to intercede on our behalf. We also praise God for His invitation to Mary and to all of us to participate in His work; we are not only recipients but co-workers with the Lord! Read more at Word on Fire.

December 9 – At 11 am at the school gymnasium, Saint Mark parish will be holding a feedback session about the new iteration of its proposed parish family configuration for Partners in the Gospel. I hope to see you there!