November Pastoral Council minutes (2021-11-18)

Saint Mark pastoral council is pleased to share the minutes of the November meeting of our new pastoral council. The pastoral council meets on the third Thursday of each month.

Generally speaking, minutes will be available within five weeks of the preceding meeting – this allows the council to review the minutes, approve them with any changes, and the secretary to edit them accordingly before they are published online.

(For previous minutes, please visit the pastoral council minutes archives)

October Pastoral Council minutes (2021-10-28)

Saint Mark pastoral council is pleased to share the minutes of the October meeting of our new pastoral council. The pastoral council meets on the third Thursday of each month.

Generally speaking, minutes will be available within five weeks of the preceding meeting – this allows the council to review the minutes, approve them with any changes, and the secretary to edit them accordingly before they are published online.

(For previous minutes, please visit the pastoral council minutes archives)

September Pastoral Council minutes (2021-09-30)

Saint Mark pastoral council is pleased to share the minutes of the first meeting of our new pastoral council. The pastoral council meets on the third Thursday of each month.

Generally speaking, minutes will be available within five weeks of the preceding meeting – this allows the council to review the minutes, approve them with any changes, and the secretary to edit them accordingly before they are published online.

(For previous minutes, please visit the pastoral council minutes archives)

The 2021-2022 stewardship campaign has begun!

This month we begins our annual stewardship campaign! Distinct from any archdiocesan appeal, this is our yearly opportunity to evaluate our support of Saint Mark parish and renew our commitment to providing for the ministry and work of our community. Your pledge helps the parish plan for the coming fiscal year and ensures that we are able to continue in prayer, worship, and outreach together.

Registered parishioners will receive a letter from Father Maurer in the mail – if you were expecting one and have not received it by the first week of November, please contact us at the parish office!

We have an online giving site (serviced by Our Sunday Visitor) to easily and securely give online. You can setup one-time and repeating donations to both the general and specific funds of Saint Mark parish and Saint Mark Catholic Classical School.

In addition to giving via your web browser, there are convenient apps for iOS and Android. Easily access your account to donate, update your details, and review your giving history.

If you would prefer to make a pledge without donating at this time, please visit our online stewardship pledge page. Your information will be securely sent to Todd Chapman (our pastoral assistant for parish administration) – a copy will also be e-mailed to you for your own records.

If you wish to change your pledge, you can do so at any time via the online giving link above or through Todd, who can be reached online or by phone.

Stewardship: A way of life

Thank you for your support of Saint Mark parish! We are grateful for your generosity, and for you.